Trunk or Treat 2019
Grace Fellowship is partnering with the City of Beaumont and Beaumont Police Department to put on Trunk or Treat at the Beaumont Sports Park on October 31st from 5-8pm. Families are invited to come enjoy safe, community-oriented fun for their kids. No RSVP necessary, just show up and enjoy!
Signup to Host a trunk!
If you would like to host a trunk, please sign up below. It is a fun way to get more involved in the community! In order to host, you will need to be at the Sports Park no later than 4:15pm (the gates will close to vehicle traffic at 4:30pm) and will need to be able to stay until 8:00pm. This year, we’re going to have prizes for the best decorated trunks/booths!
Sign up to be a Vendor
If you are interested in being a vendor at this event, please download and fill out this form and email a copy to