Update on Grace Fellowship Regarding COVID-19

Grace Fellowship Family,

We are pleased to let you know that our church is open on Sunday mornings for anyone who would like to attend! After many months of online-only church, it feels great to meet in person again. We are thankful for the ways in which our church has thrived even in the midst of a pandemic and praise God for keeping us safe throughout. As our church slowly fazes back into “normal”, we look forward to seeing familiar faces as well as meeting new people who might visit.

Please note that there are still some social distancing requirements: 1) Please wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated; 2) We will use the basement as overflow if needed in order to stay below the required capacity limits. We will continue to live stream our services to those who are not yet ready to return to church, and we plan to continue live streaming in the future so those considering coming to our church can see what it’s like before they attend. Thank you for your patience throughout this difficult last year.

In Christ,

Pastor Brian

*Last Updated: April 3, 2021